Sunday, January 14, 2007

Karunanidhi's Ignorance and his habit of hurting Hindu sentiments

The CM of TN has made some reemarks about the nude sculptures in Hindu temples and has also made comments on ceratin deities of Ganesh which are said to be nude and he has also claimed that the embarassed priests cover them with clothes.

On reading about the above utterances of Karunanidhi, I was caught in between laughter and anger. Karunanidhi does not know anything about the basics of Hindu religion. Still he has dared to make ridicule of this religion. Perhaps, we must also be as militant as his Islamic and Christian brothers.

Karunanidhi does not seem to know that, in ancient South India, it was common for women to remain bare breasted. Going by this condition, one will find that most of the nude figurines are not 'nude' as per the norms of the society in those days.

Secondly, the human body is a creation of God. This body is considered as the most perfect as it is in this 'janma' that a soul has the means to attain Moksha. Moreover, the ancient Hindus were not Islamic fanatics for whom any depiction of nudity(or even mere human forms) in art is grossly immoral. The human body was praised for what it was(as seen in the works of Kalidasa, Kambar etc). Even sexual activities are shown in certain sculptures. Sex was not a taboo in ancient India. Neither had 'sex' attained the levels of immorality as seen in certain Western nations now. In India, it was given its right place. Being the way of reproduction, it had an aura of supernaturalism and at the same time, it was also a matter of privacy and impurity.

Thus, in temples, having 'sex' is forbidden but the sculptures in temples show such activities. Everything in the world, pure or impure, was depicted in the temple sculptures. The reason is that all these things are a part of God's creation. Sex and wars were given their place of honour in the temple sculptures. As pointed out earlier, human body is the most perfect 'janma' possible and sex is supernatural because of its ability to produce life. Hence, in certain sculptures, we see women worshipping a male's 'linga'(penis). Certain scenes of adultery are also depicted in the temples to enable the people to understand its perverted nature and its ability to make people commit sins and thus equip them to control their passion. Similarly, bravery was considered a great virtue. Death in battlefield was considered to be a virtuous act which books a place in heaven. Hence, many scenes of the battlefield are found in the sculptures.

Thirdly, we can note that, in any temple, the number of sculptures depicting the deities, sages, bhaktas and men/women with 'namaste(vanakkam)' is more in number than the sculptures of sex/war.

As for the CM's observation on nude deities of Ganesha being clothed, he does not seem to know that all the deities in the temples are clothed(no matter whether the deities are nude or not) as the Agamas say so. It is also to be noted that during the 'Abhishekam/Tirumanjanam' , the clothes of the deities are removed. Neither the priests nor the bhaktas are embarrassed or 'aroused'(as claimed by some cheap DK rationalists) during the Abhishekam. For them, any male deity is Father and any female deity is Mother. Hindu bhaktas certainly don't indulge in 'incest'. Perhaps some of these 'rationalists' are indulging in such mean acts(perhaps that is the reason for their mean thinking).

Let Karunanidhi understand that a complete taboo on expressing about anything sexual is not the habit of the Tamils whose culture he claims to uphold. Let him also understand that one should not attack/ridicule any faith without knowing about the philosophical basis of that religion and the spiritual reasons for their various practices.

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